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Halloween Collector's Edition (deposit)
  • Halloween Collector's Edition (deposit)

    Price $8995 - Price does not include shipping or any applicable sales taxes


    You don’t know what death is….

    Experience the thrilling events following escaped serial killer Michael Meyers in Spooky Pinball’s… HALLOWEEN

    Accompanied by a suspenseful soundtrack of original scores, and new compositions by musician Count D

    Guided by Dr. Loomis, and the original Lynda, voiced by PJ Soles

    Eerie, hand painted artwork from horror industry artist Jason Edmiston

    Original movie clips, whith all of Michael’s gruesome acts of murder…

    except the dog scene; that one is too heartbreaking. Poor puppy :(

    • Order policy

      • This is an order deposit. The $500 non-refundable deposit will be deducted from the final total price. Your final invoice, including any options, shipping, and applicable sales taxes, will be sent via email prior to the game shipping. 

      The remaining balance can be paid via the one (or more) of the following methods

      If you have any questions please let us know by sending an email to prior to placing your order.

      • Credit Card (3.5% processing fee applies)
      • ACH
      • Bank Check
      • Personal Check
      • Cash (in person only)
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